How Caregivers Can Cope with Stress

Home Care Jamaica NY

Home Care Jamaica NY

Caregiving for a loved one can be a frustrating and stressful experience. There may be times that you are filled with joy at knowing you are making a difference in your aging parent’s life. On the other hand, there may also be times of agitation and frustration when the elder is constantly throwing demands your way and expecting you to do them.

One way to help cope with this stress is by having an elder home care provider take over for you, while you get a much-needed break. Another way to help with these stressful feelings is to learn how to cope with them. Here are some ways you can cope with your stress in order to get back to providing the care your loved one needs.

Ask for help. Whether someone asks you or you ask for help from a family member, let someone else take over for you. They will be able to provide the same quality of care that you would, while you spent some time doing something that you enjoy for a change.

Emphasize the positive. It is all too easy to focus on the things you can’t do to help the elder. By thinking this way, you will lead yourself to overpowering feelings of guilt and helplessness, knowing there is nothing more you can do for the elder. Whenever possible, try to focus on what you are able to do for them instead of what you can’t. You may begin to feel proud of yourself for these accomplishments instead of beating yourself up for the things you are not able to do.

Find local resources. Being a family caregiver can be a lonely and isolating experience. To prevent these feelings from leading to depression or caregiver burnout, look for local resources that would help. This includes community resources and transportation services.

Think support group. You have probably heard of support groups for adults who are upset over a recent diagnoses or loss. But did you also know that support groups are available for caregivers? Look for ones in your area in order to vent your frustrations and receive advice from experienced caregivers.

Encourage the elder to see their doctor. The good thing about stress is that it is completely treatable. However, to do so, the senior needs to discuss treatment options with their doctor. Also make sure to inform him of any symptoms or concerns you have.

With these tips, you will be able to decrease your stress and live life contently.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in Jamaica NY, please contact the caring staff at Gentle Hands Home Care.