Senior Care Jamaica NY
We are living in a technology-driven world where everyone could benefit from knowing how to use a computer. However, since older adults did not grow up with these contraptions, they may not be as enthusiastic to learn how to use a computer like the younger generations are. In fact, they may downright refuse to learn. They may resist learning because it looks too difficult or because they think they are too old to learn a new skill.
Whatever their reason, these ideas will encourage your loved one to want to become more familiar with computers. They may be more willing to learn if they have the support and encouragement from a family member or senior care provider.
Computer Learning Tips for Older Adults
Do you think your seniorloved one is ready to learn? Then here are some simple tips to get them started.
Enroll in a class. Many community and senior centers offer computer classes for elderly adults. These classes can teach your loved one basic skills that will help them navigate through a computer much quickly. is a website that provides seniors with the information they need to find a computer learning center in the elder’s area.
Read about it. For those elders who love to read, this may be the best way for them to learn. There are hundreds of how-to books available on the topic that will break down how to accomplish this new skill in simple steps.
Try an AARP workshop. AARP Tek Workshops are free learning workshops that will help the senior learn how to use tables, smartphones, and other forms of technology. They are available in most cities, which can be found on their website at
Check out college courses. Some colleges have a program known as Lifelong Learning Institutes. This is a list of noncredit courses available to seniors and may include technology courses. Search the website of nearby colleges or give them a call to discover whether or not this is a program they are affiliated with.
Watch an instructional video. If your loved one has some basic skills on how to use a computer, but would like to expand their knowledge, they may want to watch an instructional video. A large amount of online services and videos are available online to help your loved one get the information they need.
Technology is no longer an option, but requirement in order to keep up with today’s rapidly moving world. These tips will help your loved one gain the knowledge they need to conquer this new skill.