Caregiver Manhattan NY
Unless you have ever cared for an aging parent, it can be challenging to know what your responsibilities will be. Every situation is different, but most family caregivers will feel overwhelmed over their endless list of duties. The best thing you can do is be prepared for what is to come.
The following information will help you do just that.
Feelings to Expect
Family caregivers often have a number of unexpected emotions that may arise. Some of these feelings include:
Anger: One possible emotion is anger towards either the person you are caring for or the world in general. You may also feel resentful towards family members and friends who do not have your amount of responsibilities.
Anxiety: Knowing that your loved one's health is deteriorating could cause feelings of anxiety and worry. You may also feel worried over whether or not you will be able to handle the caregiving responsibilities.
Guilt: Wanting to do more for an elderly loved one could cause feelings of guilt. Wanting to do a better job of caring for the elder by having more patience, etc could also cause feelings of guilt.
Healthy Tips for New Caregivers
In order to care for someone else, you need to have a healthy mind and body. Here are some ways to keep yourself feeling and looking great, while fulfilling your caregiving responsibilities.
Find a way to relax. Learning to de-stress is extremely important in order to continue enjoying your caregiving role. Reading, meditation, exercising, or yoga are all excellent ways to relieve stress from your life.
Ask for help. If you feel overwhelmed, then taking a break may be exactly what you need. Respite care will let you do that by having an experienced elder care provider take over for you, while you get a much-need break.
Socialize. Being a caregiver can cause you to feel isolated, which could lead to depression or burnout. To prevent this from happening, it is important that you continue interacting with friends and family through coffee dates, doing an activity you love, or by talking on the phone. Support groups may also help you become friends with people who understand your situation.
Take care of your health. Your health is just as important as that of your elderly parent. Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, avoid smoking and drinking, and get plenty of rest in order to keep your body working its best.
Being a caregiver can be a challenging job, but knowing this information should better prepare you for the future.